Today, I’m going to share a video with you.
But this is one like you’ve never seen from me before.
This video is the story of my journey from being a fat kid to how you see me today.
In this video, I share my most personal stories including how I was bullied as a kid and how that got me into depression.
It’s the story of how I overcame all of that and made fitness my religion and to spread it, my life’s mission.
In this video, I go all out. And if there’s one thing I can promise, it’s that it’ll inspire you and everyone else you know.
Just like me, this could be someone else’s story. And if this video gives them the strength and motivation to overcome their own struggles; then it has served its purpose.
This is one way you can change someone’s life and they’ll forever remember you for it.
So please share this video with everyone you know after you’re done watching it.
Suneet Sebastian is a self-confessed fitness science nerd. His passion and desire for learning, educating and promoting critical thinking in the fitness industry is what sets him apart from the average "guru".
He has made a name for himself as an elite Strength & Conditioning coach among professional athletes and regular enthusiasts alike with his extremely detailed and thorough advice backed by concrete science and leaves absolutely no stone unturned when it comes to educating and empowering those that seek to take their fitness to a whole new level.
To know more about Suneet's background and the story behind the foundation of Sebastian Fitness Solutions, click here.